IRC Religious Conflicts and Coping Strategies

Former Associates
From 2018-  Post-doctoral Researcher – Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Bern Post-doctoral Project within the framework of the Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC) on religious conflicts and coping strategies: ​“The Use and Abuse of the Israel-Palestine Conflict” (under the supervision of Prof. René Bloch, Prof. Laurent Goetschel and Prof. Maurus Reinkowski).
January-May 2017 University of California, Berkeley (USA) Visiting Scholar affiliated with the Department of Anthropology 
October-December 2016 Columbia University, New York (USA) Visiting Scholar affiliated with the Institute for African Studies


2013-2017 PhD in Social Sciences (Anthropology) – Institute for Social Sciences of Religions, University of Lausanne Dissertation: “Disappointments and Hopes. Representations of Migrations and Claims by the Tunisian harraga” (under the supervision of Prof. Monika Salzbrunn).
2011-2013 Master of Arts (History of religions) – University of Geneva Master’s dissertation on the legacy of the Orientalist Louis Massignon.



Academic Exchange – 
University of Montreal (Canada)
Work Experience
From April 2018-

Post-doctoral Researcher –Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Bern Post-doctoral Project within the framework of the Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC) on religious conflicts and coping strategies: "The Use and Abuse of the Israel-Palestine Conflict” (under the supervision of Prof. René Bloch, Prof. Laurent Goetschel and Prof. Maurus Reinkowski).
February-July 2018 FernUni/Unidistance   Scientific collaborator in the framework of the Bachelor of Arts in Historical Sciences (Sciences of Religions)
December 2017-January 2018 Agora Editions Update of the new version of the Panorama of Religions, a book intended for public schools in Switzerland ; conceptualization of the new volume ; stats update ; new chapters on specific topics.
June-September  2017 University of Lausanne (Switzerland) SNF Researcher in the framework of the Swiss National Science Foundation project "Undocumented Mobility (Tunisia Switzerland) and Digital-Cultural Resources after the 'Arab Spring'"(under the supervision of Prof. Monika Salzbrunn).
October 2013-September 2016 University of Lausanne (Switzerland)

Work-experience as an assistant on the Swiss National Fund Research Project “(In)visible Islam in the City: (Im)material Expressions of Muslim Practices within Urban Settings”, under the supervision of Prof. Monika Salzbrunn.

Publication list

  • PhD-Dissertation: Entre désillusions et espoirs. Représentations autour des migrations et revendications des harraga tunisiens [Disappointments and Hopes. Representations of Migrations and Claims by the Tunisian harraga], PhD Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Monika Salzbrunn defended on November 17, 2017, University of Lausanne.
  • 2018, « Revendiquer le droit à émigrer via l’expression du sentiment d’injustice. Le cas des harraga tunisiens. » [Claiming one’s right to migrate through the expression of the feeling of injustice. The case of the Tunisian harraga], L’Année du Maghreb, Dossier de recherche 18 ; 2018-I : Économies morales et controverses publiques [peer-reviewed journal].
  • (with Monika Salzbrunn & Farida Souiah), 2018, “Hope and Disillusion. The Images of Europe in Algerian and Tunisian Cultural Productions about Undocumented Migration (harga)”in: Davis, Muriam & Serres, Thomas (eds.), North Africa and the Making of Europe, Bloomsbury
  • (with M. Salzbrunn & F. Souiah), 2017, “Migrations non-documentées et imaginaires sur Internet. Le cas des harraga tunisiens” [“Undocumented migrations and imaginaries on the Internet. The case of Tunisian harraga”], in: Tekin, Beyza & Danis, Didem (eds), Visions croisées autour des frontières européennes : mobilité, sécurité et frontières, Istanbul, Éditions de l’Université Galatasaray, p. 91-112.
  • (with M. Salzbrunn & F. Souiah), 2015, « Les ‘brûleurs’ de frontières dans la musique populaire tunisienne. La migration non documentée au prisme de chansons de rap et de mezoued. » [« The Borders’ ‘Jumpers’ in the Tunisian Popular Music. Undocumented Migration through the prism of rap and mizwad songs »], Afrique Contemporaine, 254, p. 37–56 [peer-reviewed journal].
  • « Un sans-papiers à la mosquée. Se rendre visible quand on est invisible ailleurs » [« A sans-papiers at the Mosque. To make one’s visible when invisible elsewhere »], in: Salzbrunn, Monika (ed.), L’islam (in)visible en ville. Appartenances et engagements dans l’espace urbain, Labor et Fides [to be published in 2018].
  • « Trajectoires de harraga tunisiens. Représentations et lecture à la lumière de la foi en Dieu » [« Trajectories of Tunisian Undocumented Migrants. Representations and understanding linked with faith in God »], in: Ortar, Nathalie, Salzbrunn, Monika, Stock, Mathis (eds.), Mobilité – Migration. Propositions épistémologiques pour appréhender les déplacements humains [to be published in 2018].
  • (with M. Salzbrunn & F. Souiah), « Réseaux de solidarité, espaces connectés et parcours migratoires de harraga tunisiens : entre contraintes et opportunités » [« Solidarity Networks, Connected Spaces and Migratory Paths of Tunisian harraga »], in: Lacroix, Thomas (ed.), Penser les migrations pour repenser la société, Migrinter, MSHS Poitiers [to be published in 2018].
  • (with M. Salzbrunn), 2014, « Digital Humanities Empowering through Arts and Music. Tunisian representations of Europe through music and video clips », Long Paper presented at Digital Humanities conference 2014, EPFL Lausanne. 
  • Étude comparative sur la réception de l'oeuvre de Louis MassignonLes perspectives de Jacques Berque, Henry Corbin, Edward Said, Ali Shariati et Jacques Waardenburg [Comparative Study on the reception of the work of Louis Massignon. The perspectives of Jacques Berque, Henry Corbin, Edward Said, Ali Shariati and Jacques Waardenburg], Master Thesis under the supervision of Prof.Youri Volokhine, University of Geneva, February 2013 (grade : 5.5/6).
